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Disclosure FilesDateFile Size
 01. 408 Okeefe St_Receipt of Documents.pdf   2017-05-30 17:58:28477 Kb
 A. 408 Okeefe St_PRDS Agency Disclosure.pdf   2017-05-30 17:33:35772 Kb
 B. 408 Okeefe St_Premlim Title Report.pdf   2017-05-30 17:33:34850 Kb
 C. 408 Okeefe St_Map.pdf   2017-05-30 17:33:32534 Kb
 D. 408 Okeefe St_Property Inspection Report.pdf   2017-05-30 17:33:321,018 Kb
 E. 408 Okeefe St_JM Termite Report.pdf   2017-05-30 17:33:33765 Kb
 F. 408 Okeefe St_Franz Termite Report.pdf   2017-05-30 17:33:22293 Kb
 G. 408 Okeefe St_TDS.pdf   2017-05-30 17:31:062,519 Kb
 H. 408 Okeefe St_Supplemental Sellers Checklist.pdf   2017-05-30 17:31:297,806 Kb
 I. 408 Okeefe St_As-Is Addendum.pdf   2017-05-30 17:33:2079 Kb
 J. 408 Okeefe St_Residential Earthquake Hazards Report.pdf   2017-05-30 17:58:27912 Kb
 K. 408 Okeefe St_Lead Based Paint Disclosure.pdf   2017-05-30 17:31:56109 Kb
 L. 408 Okeefe St_PRDS Water Heater Smoke Detector Statement.pdf   2017-05-30 17:31:57115 Kb
 M. 408 Okeefe St_NHD Statement.pdf   2017-05-30 17:31:54117 Kb
 N. 408 Okeefe St_Environmental Report.pdf   2017-05-30 17:46:341,234 Kb
 O. 408 Okeefe St_Memorandum And Consent Regarding Market Conditions.pdf   2017-05-30 17:31:56119 Kb
 P. 408 Okeefe St_San Mateo Santa Clara Counties Advisory.pdf   2017-05-30 17:31:57254 Kb
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*DOWNLOAD ALL will zip all documents and download the zip file to a directory on your computer, which you will have to unzip.
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